Tuesday, June 23, 2009

No Sex in a Week!

So I am not too happy with that part-time job I got. I don't have hardly any time with Master, and he seems to agree that I should quit. That's not the only thing wrong with it though, they told me I would work a certain shift, and guess what? I'm not working that shift, and so I have no time to be looking for a full time job, and that is why I am getting unemployment, to look for a FULL TIME job. And not only that, today was the first time me and Master got a chance to have sex in a week! And that is because of our schedules. Its awful not having that intimacy between us. Almost makes us feel like roomies or something, just saying hi and bye with I love yous. So anyways, Master told me to just go in there and quit, and not worry about anything. I was worried if it would mess up something with me getting my benefits, but with all the cons, I think I'm okay. And if not, I always can go back to my old job in August. Unemployment is soooo confusing! Master hates that I even have to worry about that. But other than that, nothing much has been going on, well because of that job, and that's sad, and that's why I haven't wrote an update in a week i guess. But everything will get back to normal once I tell my job of the "good" news.