So I went to the doctor on Monday for my yearly and discussed getting off the pill. Everything is good to go, I just need to start taking prenatal vitamins. Master is very happy about that, and still wants me to get off of them after this pack is done. I think I am just going to get off of them for a few months and we will really start trying a few months after that. My doctor says I might not get pregnant for six months so I wonder if we should try sooner? Well it doesn't matter right at this minute. Also, today I got a call to come back for orientation for the job I applied for, so that's exciting!
Master and I have also been talking a lot, and he is going to be much more strict with me, and take a more commanding tone. He even started his own blog! I couldn't believe it. I think that will also help me behave, because I know that he will later blog about me if I have been bad or not. If any of you are interested, he is one of my followers, and is listed as Dominant J.
I am happy for you :)
Best Of Luck,
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